Meet our Pastor

My name is Michael Tunnell and I have been blessed to serve here in Stockton for the sixteen years. My wife, Karen and I have been blessed with four children and 1 grandson. I love my family and enjoy getting to spend time with them any chance that I can. We love to go to Cardinal baseball games, local athletic events and just see God’s creation outdoors. I grew up with a love for hunting and fishing. I don’t get to hunt a lot anymore but I still have an avid love for fishing and can often be found out in my boat, “Visitation” on the lake, fishing for crappie and bass.

I grew up in the small town of Jasper, Missouri where I graduated High School in 1985. After High school I attended Ozark Christian College and went to work in the families Automotive Body Repair Shop. I spent over 25 years working in this field along with part time ministries in Jasper. We came to Stockton in 2004 and have been blessed to watch our children grow and mature here in this great community. My passion is people and I love nothing more than being with and ministering alongside of so many here in Stockton. God never ceases to amaze me in what He does in our lives.

One of my favorite scriptures is Ephesians 3:20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. When I think about God and His work in each of us, I am reminded that I can’t even think of all that He is doing or has planned. I am blessed to serve a mighty God

Our Pastors

Michael Tunnell
  • Pastor
Jacob Haught
  • Youth Minister